Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Red Hot Franchises to Feature Little People's Creative Workshop!

Red Hot Franchises will featuring Little People's Creative Workshop beginning next week!  LPCW was founded in 1991 by Daune Pitman and has grown to be the largest organization in the nation teaching dance to young children.  LPCW has grown to over 10 locations nationwide, covering 6 states; and will be continuing expansion and growth through franchising beginning in March 2009!  Lots of exciting things are happening around here!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Upcoming Summer Programs.....

We are in the process are putting together the Little People's Creative Workshop Summer Program!  Whew!  Can you believe it is already time to start thinking of summer?  Don't let your child miss out --- we will be offering lots of great choices this summer.  There will be 10 week summer sessions and 1 week Dance Camps.  We also offer 1 week Acting Camps for ages 6-14.  Check with your area's director to see what your choices for summer fun and learning will be!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Notes from One of Our Directors:

As a dancer and performer since the age of three, I cannot think of a better way for young children to explore movement, enhance creativity, and build self-confidence than through dance classes. I have taught many age groups and with many companies, but Little People’s Creative Workshop provides a completely rewarding experience. 

Dance and LPCW, is more than just another form of exercise for the children, it provides an exploration into the arts that all children should be exposed to.  Through LPCW, children are able to learn how to use their bodies as a form of expression and a possible outlet for creative thinking. Learning this at an early age can provide life long benefits for our students; such as better problem solving skills, more self confidence and of-course better coordination.

Personally, there are few things more rewarding than being able to see a child’s creative mind grow and see them move and explore on their own.  I enjoy seeing children approach the lessons in a completely different way than I expected them to and everyday is a surprise! I have grown as a dancer with LPCW because it caused me to look at movement from a child like perspective; giving me a new approach to dance.

I look forward to continue to share my love for dance with young children through Little People’s Creative Workshop.

       ~Jennifer Delfin, LPCW Northern Virginia Regional Director

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A New LPCW Region to Open in the Fall.....

We are so excited to announce that we will be opening a new LPCW region this fall.  Ms. Jaymie Boudreau will be directing and overseeing our new Northern New York Region.  We are in the process of getting everything set-up and ready to go---we may even be able to start classes in the summer!  We have had great interest and requests from the area and everyone there can hardly wait for classes to get going.  Welcome Aboard, Jaymie!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Investing in Your Children with Live Performances....

If you are a parent of a little one we cannot understate the importance of taking your child to performances that are geared to their age.  Sure, going to the movie theater is a treat----but it is a wonderful experience for a young child to attend a live theatre performance that is geared to their age.  In most areas there are children's theatre groups---and colleges and universities usually host a Family Fare type of season of performances for young ones.   Take a second to check into it today for your area.  You and your family will have so much fun! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Be Specific in Questioning Young Ones

As we have a bit of spring weather during February---always a teaser---it is a time that all of us, parents and children can get into a rut.  We are all ready for consistent spring weather and more playtime outside.  

Us this time to encourage your child in their endeavors.  Be sure to use the monthly newsletter to ask your child specifically about the things we are doing in class.  We compose our newsletters in a way that makes it easy for parents to have a conversation about dance class with young ones.  At this young age children are overwhelmed by such a huge question as:  "What did you do in dance class today?"  That question is just TOO BIG for them!  You will usually get an answer like:  "Nothing" to a big question like that.  Use the monthly newsletters to ask specific questions about what is going on in class---and only ask 1-2 specific questions every few days.  Asking too many questions at one time can be overwhelming to young ones as well.  Enjoy this great journey with your child----we are honored to be a part of it!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Month of Growth

February is off to a great start!  We appreciate all of the wonderful notes that we have received about parent observation.  Thanks to those of you that responded with kind words and excitement about the program.  

February is the month that we see great growth in our students when comparing their skills to the beginning of the year.  We hope those are being shared with parents at home.  We see increased balance and depth perception; as well as stronger bodies and better flexibility.  These are wonderful skills and abilities that will be taken throughout life.  We recently had a parent ask if they could sign up for our class---they thought they could use some of the great skills that their child was acquiring!  We might have to look into offering that in the future---A Parents' Class. :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Dance Teachers and Directors.....

Here at LPCW we have always been blessed to have wonderful teachers and directors.  We began 18 years ago teaching dance in Eastern NC and for the past several years have been nationwide.  As our program continues to grow and expand we never marvel at the many wonderful instructors and directors that are a part of the Little People's Creative Workshop family.  Our Philadelphia area Regional Director shared these thoughts about how she feels about what she does:

"My love for dance started at a very early age.  I was excited every Saturday morning to get up, put on my leotard and get to go to dance class!  What made it such a wonderful experience for me was my amazing teachers.  As I grew older I used them as my role models and saw not only how much passion they had for dance, but for teaching as well.

I always thought I would end up teaching  high school or older students in a studio, but once I started working with LPCW I knew those thoughts were gone!  Ask anyone you know how they get greeted when they come to work.   I bet they won't say by twenty smiling and excited faces screaming your name, and these aren't even the children you teach!

Teaching 'little people' brings out the best in a teacher, not only because they make you smile and greet you with hugs so powerful that they almost knock you over; but because they are so eager to learn.  LPCW has an amazing curriculum that allows children to explore dance through themselves but yet in a very structured and fun atmosphere!

LPCW is so great for children because it allows them to go off into imaginary, secret places while learning how to move their bodies properly throughout space.  At this young age children absorb everything and what makes LPCW so great is that we are able to offer the classes while the children are in school---so they are able to relate things that they are learning to dance and to the arts which most children do not have the opportunity to do!"
                             ~  Liz Story, LPCW Philadelphia Regional Director

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Obvious Benefits of Dance

We wanted to share this great article written by Sarah Wilkiamson:

"The Obvious Benefits of Dance School"

Here is an excerpt------

"There are many benefits to your child when they attend dance school.  It not only enables them to realize creativity within them but gives them training for other areas in life.  Dance is a wonderful creative art that can enrich your child's life for many years to come."

Ms. Wilkiamson goes on to list several benefits such as:

Learning the art of creativity
Dance is good exercise
Dance leads to learning respect
Dance helps develop social skills
Dance helps with bonding

Be sure to click the link above to read the entire article.  All of us here at LPCW see the many benefits before our eyes each day---it is a pleasure to invest in young lives with what we do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Benefits of Children's Dance Classes.......

Children---boys and girls---who participate in dance when they are young enjoy many benefits.  A few are increased self-esteem, coordination, balance, poise, and many others.  Parents are beginning to see the importance of enrolling their children in dance and theatre classes; and seeing the investment that doing so creates.  Take a moment to read this short article about some of the benefits of dance for children:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Check Out Some of Our Star Dancers:

Parent Observations: a Great Success!

Last week we held our mid-year Parent Observations---or what we like to call here at LPCW "Informances".  All the students did a great job and each class was never short of comedy and entertainment.  Preschoolers are certainly a group that is full of surprises.  It was great to see parents and family with their cameras; and the students thrive on their applause.  Thanks to all of you that joined us; if you had an unexpected conflict and you did not make it to your child's presentation---please give us a call and we will give you another time to attend.  We wouldn't want anyone to miss it!  Here is what one parent in our Philadelphia area classes said about last week:

"Just a note of thanks for the great Informance today--the kids were so well prepared and it was easy to see why they love you and class - nice job!  Thanks for making it fun!"
                                                    ~Janelle, mom of Chloe

Welcome to LPCW!

Welcome to the Little People's Creative Workshop blog---a place for parents and teachers to share their thoughts and what is going on with our program.  We consider it an honor to work with children--and we have such great things to share with you!  Join us in the conversation!