Thursday, December 17, 2009
Here Comes Santa!
The children have been doing such a great job with counting to eight this month we learned four and four make eight! Including our counting into our count bounce song has made our little ones into excellent counters.
We've been going to the Toy Shop all month and having SO much fun sneaking around and playing with all the toys! It tough to chose which is everyone's favorite between the spinning dreidels and stiff robots.
The jingle bells have ringing for Santa and the children have been doing a merrily job pulling Santa's sleigh around the North Pole and getting it all ready for his big trip! This by far is my favorite exercise we do across the floor. Seeing all the little ones as reindeer, with their hooves under their chins and pointed prancing toes fills me with Christmas joy!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from all of Santa's little helpers in the Philly Region!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Happy Holidays!
There is nothing more fitting for this time of year than dancing and learning about "The Nutcracker", which we are really enjoying! Its so nice to see how excited the dancers get when they hear that familiar music. We are having a lot of fun dancing like the characters; jerky/sharp like the nutcracker, sneaky like the mouse king, serious like the wooden soldiers or even beautiful and graceful like Clara. Our dancers have been doing such a great job with being able to show different movement qualities, which is so impressive at this age!
In addition to all the Holiday dancing, we are still doing a great job with our ballet terminology. I recieved such a great compliment from a grandparent who let me know how impressed she was that her little dancer not only knew the names of positions, but could show her them with good technique. It puts a smile on my face to know how much these dancers are learning!
Please have a safe and Happy Holiday season!
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Time to Give Thanks
Many of them tell me how thankful they are for their families, friends, food, teachers, house and friends. I love this mom and dad because they love me and......they buy me toys! This to me tells me that they are thankful for their toys, which they should be, but they are thinking of other things first!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving :) ~Philly
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Our favorite time of year
I have spoken with my teachers and we all agree that there is something about "The Painter and the Elves" that our students just love! They can barely hold their excitement in, once they stack those carpet squares and know that it almost movement story time. ITS SO MUCH FUN!
Not only are they having fun with the stories, but this time of year is so exciting because we are learning so many new dance terms and some pretty tricky dance moves. Now that we got our tendues, we are moving on to posse's and boy does that take some balance!
With this movement story, the new terms we are learning and the holidays right around the corner, it is no surprise that this is our favorite time of the year!
Happy Fall!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
O, O, O.....
We are also enjoying Mr. Squirel who comes and visit's us. Everyone is doing an excellent job showing Mr. Squiel where to hide his nuts for the winter time with their tendus :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Remember to make sure your email is current with our offices, we are communicating mostly though email this year and would not want you to miss out on any information!
Happy Fall!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
LPCW Western NY
I had a parent e-mail me today to tell me how her daughter is always telling her "No banana backs Mommy!" It is really neat to see the kids pick up on the material and apply it outside of class.
The staff in the Western NY region is looking forward to having a GREAT October!
Friday, September 18, 2009
LPCW-Northern Virginia
Our new teachers, Miss Katie and Miss Adelle, are having so much fun getting to know their students. They are doing an excellent job and we are getting great feedback from directors, teachers and parents about their classes. They are eager to meet parents, so please do not hesitate to say hello if you see them in your centers.
Also, we are very excited to announce that we are adding birthday parties to our list of services in the Northern Virginia area. If you are interested in having one of our teachers come and host a birthday party for your child, please contact our office- (703) 830-4008. Look for more information at your child's center--Coming soon.
Happy Fall!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
September 16, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fall Registration
Monday, July 13, 2009
Summer Dance Camp!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
We Must All Work...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lehigh Valley Story on LPCW

During demo classes today a reporter from the Lehigh Valley Times came and did a story on Little People's Creative Workshop---here's the link:
Dance workshop
Added by Bill Adams on April 22, 2009 at 11:51 AM
Teacher Liz Story shows children how to stretch their legs and shake their feet Tuesday at the Little Peoples’ Dance Workshop at the Family YMCA Early Childhood Development Center in Forks Township. Express-Times Photo | BILL ADAMS
Tags: dance workshop | Family YMCA Early Childhood Development Center | Little Peoples' Dance Workshop | Liz Story
This photo is part of the Day in Photos April 22, 2009 gallery
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
School Teachers' Comments on Benefits of Dance
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dance Teachers and Director Needed....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Our New Northern NY Regional Director

Welcome, Jaymie!
Jaymie Boudreau, a native of Elmira, NY, graduated with her B.A. in dance from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. While at JMU she performed with the Virginia Repertory Dance Company and the Contemporary Dance Ensemble. Jaymie has continued her performance career in the professional outdoor drama productions of Theatre West Virginia and as a touring member of the West Virginia Dance Company. She has been a teacher and choreographer for many years and is looking forward to sharing her love of dance and theatre with children. She is excited to become a dance educator and the Northern New York Regional Director of Little People’s Creative Workshop.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Benefits of Dance in the Early Years.....
Physical Development
• Moving safely, imaginatively and with confidence
• Moving with bodily control, co-ordination, flexibility and balance
• The development of spatial awareness
• Dancing with props; developing manipulative skills
• Experiencing a range of gross motor movements and fine motor movements
• Keeping healthy - dance as part of a healthy lifestyle
Creative Development
• Communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings non-verbally through movement
• Using the imagination to create ideas, characters and narratives
• Making movement responses
• Having an enjoyable, exciting and motivating time
• Working individually, with a partner and as part of a group
• Developing trust and co-operation
• Selecting and using movement ideas independently and with others
• Exploring feelings and views of self and others - including other cultures and beliefs
• Accepting the moral code on which discipline and courtesy within the group is based
• Interacting with a new social group
Communication, Language and Literacy Development
• The use of sounds, music, words, poems, rhymes, texts and stories as stimuli for, and
accompaniment to dance
• The use of language to imagine and recreate roles and ideas in the dance
• Interaction - negotiating plans and activities and developing conversational skills
• Appreciation - talking about personal dance performance
• Observation - talking about the dance performance of others
• Developing a vocabulary of movemen
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dance for Young Children Being Used in Many Powerful Ways...
Nationwide we are finding that dance for children is now being used as a method of treating social, emotional, cognitive, and physical problems. Throughout the ages, people of many cultures have used dance to express powerful emotions, tell stories, treat illness, celebrate important events, and maintain communal bonds. Dancing harnesses this power of movement in a comfortable setting and uses it to promote personal growth, health, and well-being.
Quality dance programs for children are based on the premise that the body and mind are interrelated. Many dance therapists believe that mental and emotional problems are often held in the body in the form of muscle tension and constrained movement patterns. Conversely, studies have shown that the state of the body can affect attitude and feelings, both positively and negatively.
Dance movements promote healing in a number of ways. Moving as a group brings children of all ages out of isolation, creates powerful social and emotional bonds, and generates the good feelings that come from being with others. Moving rhythmically eases muscular rigidity, diminishes anxiety, and increases energy. Moving spontaneously helps children learn to recognize and trust their impulses, and to act on or contain them as they choose. Moving creatively encourages self-expression and opens up new ways of thinking and doing.
On a purely physical level, dance provides the benefits of exercise: improved health, well-being, coordination, and muscle tone. On an emotional level, it helps children feel more joyful and confident, and allows them to explore such issues as anger, frustration, and loss that may be too difficult to explore verbally. On a mental level, dance seeks to enhance cognitive learning.
Dance has a broad range of health benefits. It has been demonstrated to be clinically effective at improving body image, self-esteem, attentiveness, and communication skills. It can also reduce stress, fears and anxieties, as well as lessen feelings of isolation, body tension, chronic pain, and depression. In addition it can enhance the functioning of the body's circulatory and respiratory systems.
Dance has also been shown to benefit adolescent and adult psychiatric patients, the learning disabled, the visually and hearing impaired, the mentally handicapped.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Your Child's Development and Dance....
* expressing emotion
* building social skills
* encouraging independence
* building their self-confidence
* stimulating mental processes
* enhancing their physical development
* expanding their rhythmic and body awareness
Friday, March 6, 2009
More Benefits of Dance for Young Children:
Here is a great article by Rachel Kemp, dance teacher:
Benefits of Dance, by Rachel Kemp
Toddlers love to move, stretch and jump. Teachers can introduce kids to new ways of moving their little bodies in entertaining and constructive ways. All forms of dance, and creative movement can be very beneficial. Kids should be introduced to exercise and physical exercise as early as possible. It might take a little more money, but in the long run it can pay off. Introducing your child to dance is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
Dance promotes discipline, coordination, memory, flexibility, strength, line, grace and stamina. Performing builds positive self-esteem and confidence, helps with other sports, and is just great fun! All kids are capable of relating and understanding basic techniques that are shown to them and demonstrated properly.
The vocabulary they learn through dance can help them express themselves through movement and naturally incorporate it into their lives. Signing your child up in dance as soon as possible can be a great thing for him/her.
As long as children can listen and stay focused, no age is too young to get them started. Of course, forcing children into any activity is never healthy. It’s important to observe how they respond.
As children get older and more serious, the length of the class and the amount of class per week may increase. Again, it might mean more running around for you, but if your child is fortunate enough to find something he or she loves to do, it’s well worth the extra time and money. My parents ran around for me 4-5 times a week to participate in many classes, I don't know how they did it, but I’m so grateful, because I am now blessed to be making a living doing what I love.
Remember the 4 D’s: DISCIPLINE, DETERMINATION, DEDICATION, DESIRE. Dance class can help your child conquer all four.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Mind and Body Benefits of Dance for Children
Dance provides youth with mind and body benefits
By Debra Strickland
FamilyTalk Magazine, March/April Edition 2006
Many different types of dance classes are available for children, from modern dance,
ballet, tap and jazz to dance that celebrates unique ethnic and cultural traditions. What’s
the most important thing for parents to keep in mind when choosing a dance class? It’s
that research has proven that dance provides physical, developmental and artistic benefits
to your child.
Physical Benefits - Students build muscle strength while increasing flexibility. Young
dancers develop a sense of balance and improve agility and coordination. Importantly,
children also develop body awareness and learn correct posture.
These benefits extend beyond a student’s involvement with dance, helping youth involved
in other disciplines, such as sports and martial arts. Studies have shown that physical
activity helps children relieve stress and feel relaxed. It also is a great way to help your
child develop a positive lifelong attitude about staying active and healthy.
Developmental Benefits - Dance classes are fun and a great way to meet new friends.
Young dancers develop essential social skills through interaction with other students.
Group choreography fosters teamwork, communication, trust and cooperation. Dance
also has been proven to nurture important life skills, such as discipline and focus.
Dancers naturally display confidence, self-esteem and poise. These skills are developed
through participating in dance performances.
Artistic Benefits – One of the greatest benefits of dance is that it sparks a child’s
imagination and nurtures individual creativity in a unique way. Dance classes share the
joy of physical self-expression in a supportive and structured setting. This can have a
positive impact on children who have limited physical abilities, who act out or who have a
difficult time sitting still. Involving children in dance also teaches the basic elements of
creative movement, such as time, space, rhythm and design.
While people may not be as familiar with modern dance as with ballet or jazz, modern
dance in particular honors the creative spirit and celebrates the individual. Modern dance
does not simply conform to conventional movements, shapes and patterns. Instead, it
requires the young dancer to learn movement from the inside out, nurturing the body and
focusing the mind. This form of dance especially is welcoming to children of all shapes,
sizes and genders.
There is one final reason to get your child dancing. Research proves there is a strong link
between involvement in the arts and increased educational achievement. In fact, one
study showed that “students who participate in the arts are not only more likely to
participate in a math and science fair, but also out-perform their peers on the SATs by 87
points” ( These educational benefits are gained by students regardless
of their socioeconomic status.
There’s sure to be a dance class that fits your child’s interests and your schedule, so why
wait? Enroll your child in a dance class. The lessons she or he learns will last a lifetime.
Debra Strickland is the executive director of Wellspring/Cori Terry & Dancers, southwest
Michigan’s only professional modern dance company. Debra holds a Master of Public
Administration degree from Western Michigan University and has been passionate about
working in the arts and women’s issues for nearly a decade.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Great Spring Opportunity.....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Red Hot Franchises to Feature Little People's Creative Workshop!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Upcoming Summer Programs.....
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Notes from One of Our Directors:
As a dancer and performer since the age of three, I cannot think of a better way for young children to explore movement, enhance creativity, and build self-confidence than through dance classes. I have taught many age groups and with many companies, but Little People’s Creative Workshop provides a completely rewarding experience.
Dance and LPCW, is more than just another form of exercise for the children, it provides an exploration into the arts that all children should be exposed to. Through LPCW, children are able to learn how to use their bodies as a form of expression and a possible outlet for creative thinking. Learning this at an early age can provide life long benefits for our students; such as better problem solving skills, more self confidence and of-course better coordination.
Personally, there are few things more rewarding than being able to see a child’s creative mind grow and see them move and explore on their own. I enjoy seeing children approach the lessons in a completely different way than I expected them to and everyday is a surprise! I have grown as a dancer with LPCW because it caused me to look at movement from a child like perspective; giving me a new approach to dance.
I look forward to continue to share my love for dance with young children through Little People’s Creative Workshop.
~Jennifer Delfin, LPCW Northern Virginia Regional Director
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A New LPCW Region to Open in the Fall.....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Investing in Your Children with Live Performances....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Be Specific in Questioning Young Ones
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Month of Growth
Friday, February 6, 2009
Our Dance Teachers and Directors.....
Here at LPCW we have always been blessed to have wonderful teachers and directors. We began 18 years ago teaching dance in Eastern NC and for the past several years have been nationwide. As our program continues to grow and expand we never marvel at the many wonderful instructors and directors that are a part of the Little People's Creative Workshop family. Our Philadelphia area Regional Director shared these thoughts about how she feels about what she does:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Obvious Benefits of Dance
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Benefits of Children's Dance Classes.......
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Check Out Some of Our Star Dancers:
Parent Observations: a Great Success!
Last week we held our mid-year Parent Observations---or what we like to call here at LPCW "Informances". All the students did a great job and each class was never short of comedy and entertainment. Preschoolers are certainly a group that is full of surprises. It was great to see parents and family with their cameras; and the students thrive on their applause. Thanks to all of you that joined us; if you had an unexpected conflict and you did not make it to your child's presentation---please give us a call and we will give you another time to attend. We wouldn't want anyone to miss it! Here is what one parent in our Philadelphia area classes said about last week: